Monday 25 July 2011

How to overcome shyness

Until I was 18 I was a very shy but I never thought about how to overcome shyness before. I spent my days at my computer playing video games. But there was a time when I'd had enough, I decided to be sociable and dynamic to attract girls and overcome my shyness. Here's how I managed ...

At the time of shyness ...

Throughout my education in high school I was a rather shy and I do not take advantage of all opportunities available to me (outings, parties, etc.). I was not antisocial, but I spent a lot of time on video games and I was introverted with the girls. In fact I was very uncomfortable with the unknown (s) and I wore a lot of attention in relation to others. I was getting all red when I spoke with an attractive girl and I preferred to talk about video games with my friends. So I did not have much conversation with the girls ...

One day I wondered how to overcome shyness and become sociable? Here's how I did it.

Temble but dare How to overcome shyness and become sociable? "At worst, what could happen?"

That's the question I started asking myself every time I hesitated to do something. Ask yourself this question. At worst, what can it do? You will see that the consequences are not so terrible (and very often repairable).

What helped me the most is practice. How to train to be less shy, more fulfilled and sociable? Leaving our comfort zone. This will support the look of someone on the subway to go talk to the girl you dream of having in your bed, to challenge, eating unusual, approach a stranger or make a presentation to a hundred people.

Leaving your comfort zone you will be more comfortable with any situation. This is comparable to the relaxation: each time you stretch, you are more flexible in the session after.

Expand your comfort zone as often as you can and you will overcome shyness. Gradually.
How to inspire confidence?

when you approach an unknown there are three golden rules:

* Smiling is very important, smile and look your interviewer in the eye shows that you are open and happy. People are attracted to those who radiate happiness around them, because emotions are contagious. Have you ever noticed that your mood can be transmitted to your friends and vice versa?

* Synchronize your body language with that of your partner, become a chameleon: imitate the posture and gestures of your partner, you adapt.

* Capture the imagination of your partner by using colorful language and positive. For example instead of saying "no problem" say "It is a pleasure."

Take the first step

Get started, take the first step. That is to say that we should not wait for someone to pick you decide to make that first step. Take the first step is to show that we have confidence (even if it's the opposite!) And that it is open and sociable. If you do not dare tell yourself that everything goes to the pellet.

I have a fairly blatant example in mind: In the nightclub it often means people who do not dare go to the girls, or who think that going timidly in front at 1 meter distance will help. On the other hand there are those (myself included) who are directly in contact with leaves to be rejected. So what? Make the first move and act is the most important. At worst what could happen if I kiss that girl there? Nothing at all (well except her boyfriend that measures 2m is next, and again!). And the best? You can imagine;)
And Now?

Applying these three principles you will see improvements in your social life. Remember that the most important thing to do and not to stay in his corner to wait until "it comes alone." Be dynamic, smile and go for it.